Does a tennis court improve the value of your home

Many people would love to have their own private tennis court at their home – it is both a symbol of luxury and a fantastic feature piece. Having a court constructed is cheaper than ever before and while the outlay is undoubtedly high, there can be no doubt that the court adds value to your home. In this sense it can be seen as an investment in your property.
But while a great tennis court adds significant value to your home, it is still important that you should follow certain rules to ensure you are getting as much out of your court as possible. Here are three key factors to ensure your court adds value to your home.

1 – Have it built by tennis court experts

The first thing to say is that it is unwise to try to save money by having your court built on the cheap. A tennis court is a huge purchase and having one constructed at your home is a huge job – you need to entrust it to local professionals who hold extensive experience in creating high quality courts. Having low quality court construction will only serve to see your court wear down or crack quickly, and you would then have to invest in expensive repairs.

2 – Maintain the court

It is also absolutely vital that you should maintain your court properly. It is no good investing in an expensive tennis court if you then let it fall into disrepair. Your tennis court builder will be able to provide you with all the information you need on maintenance, but it will always consist of regular sweeping and cleaning, as well as occasional respraying and rejuvenating of the surface.

3 – Invest in features

Remember that part of what makes your court valuable are the usability features. It is important that you should not only have a quality court built but also have features such as comprehensive fencing and floodlighting to make it as usable as possible.